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.cgi, elistadm.cgi,elc.cgi (chmod 755)cgi-bin/sets (chmod766 or 777)ALL files (chmod666 or 766 or 777)cgi-bin/maillists(chmod 766 or 777)program shouldbe able to create/manage the files OKcgi-bin/elistsdat(chmod 766 or 777)ALL files (chmod666 or 766 or 777)cgi-bin/elistsdat/work(chmod 766 or 777)ALL files (chmod666 or 766 or 777)cgi-bin/elistsdat/export(chmod 766 or 777)program shouldbe able to create/manage the files OKIf you must use anotherdirectory for the ??.set files, you must also change the path to thosefiles at the top of the code in three program ".cgi" files.ie::#--- Alter these twopaths only, if needed! ------------# if (-s "sets/gmtset.pl") {require"sets/gmtset.pl";} else {. if (-s "sets/elistset.pl"){require "sets/elistset.pl";} else {.#--- Do Not make any changes below this line.----------#AccessingADMINTo display the admin page, simply enter your access password intothe/a "webmster.html" form.The admin page will appear andallow you to edit the program and lists data.UTILITIESUTILITY testbin.cgiI have created a simple utility script that can be placedin your cgi-bin and run from your browsers command line before E-Listsinstallation.This script will, in almost all cases, detect thePerl version you are using and report its findings.If it reports version4 as the only default, then you must ask your Host Service for the correctpath to Perl 5 (Always top and FIRST line in all scripts).E-Listsis a Perl 5 program for Unix servers using Sendmail.The latest version of testbin.cgi attemptsto list all Perl paths on your server AND obtain path information toSendmail.note: Not all servers report either/both of these.NOTE: To check the Sendmail path you need to change the programsURL listed near the top of the testbin.cgi code.So!Change the Perl path at the very top of the program code - or trythe default.Change the programs URL, listed near the top of the testbin.cgi code.Place "testbin.cgi" in your cgi-bin directory and chmod 755(7=r+w+x, 5=r+x).Then run from a browser command line, ie http://www.yourdomain.path/cgi-bin/testbin.cgiUTILITY makedir.cgi- "relative" paths are the easiest to use and manage!This is also a good learningtool (about your server site).I have createda simple utility script that can be placed in your cgi-bin and run fromyour browsers command line after "testbin.cgi".With so manyfiles involved it can guarantee correct naming, and quite a lot canbe learned by getting it to work properly.If your server allows directory creationvia cgi scripts (not all do), then this utility will attempt to createthe default (recommended) directories and file names for you, and setthe permissions.It is unprotected and there is no guarantee that itwill work; try it at your own risk (disclaimer only).It workswell on many sites and we also use it for all installations - oftenlearn a bit about the site too.Try installing and running this scriptfirst.It will report success or failure when creating the files/directoriesand prove the correctness of your Perl Path", plus indicate thatthe default relative paths will work OK.If the default urls/paths arenot used, then you will have to change them first
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