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.921 - Marek Kilijanek - "Kant.Samoœwiadomoœæ i poznanie dyskursywne"/SummaryThe subject of this book is the highest principle of finitecognition (as human cognition) according to Kant's Critique ofPure Reason.The starting point was the difference betweenconsciousness and representation.The first condition of the conceptsand judgements is the awareness of every representation.The conceptsand judgements are connections of representations.For this reason Ishould be aware not only of every representation separately, butalso, all these representations should belong to one and the same myconsciousness.It means that they belong to unity of myconsciousness.But this unity of consciousness is possible only asunity of selfconsciousness (apperception).All my representationsbelong to one and the same my consciousness, because I am aware thatthey are thought by me.Belonging to one and the same consciousness(unity of consciousness) is tantamount to belonging to one and thesame selfconsciousness (unity of selfconsciousness).This a priorirelation of consciousness to itself, represented by "Ithink", makes me a logical subject.The logical subject is thesubject I connect all my representation in consciousness with.Thisactivity of selfconsciousness is a sort of synthesis ofrepresentations, because it connects all my representations, I shouldbe aware of, with one and the same for all of them "I think".This connection is the original synthesis, because it is thecondition of every other synthesis of representations.At first, itis the condition of pure conceptual synthesis (categories ofunderstanding) and next empirical synthesis, which unites manifold ofintuition into empirical concepts.Determined in this way, the transcendental unity ofselfconsciousness (apperception) appears as subjective condition ofcognition but not yet as the condition of objective knowledge.How isobjective knowledge, necessary and universal without exception (forevery subject – I) possible? How the subjective conditions ofthought can have objective validity, in other words, can becomeconditions of the possibility of all cognition of objects? It ispossible only in this way, that we can prescribe conditions of ourcognition, necessary and universal for us, to all this manifold ofintuition, which is given to us.It means that we should dictateconditions of our cognition to that, what is a possible object of ourcognition.We make a priori conditions of our cognition at thesame time transcendental conditions of the objects of this cognition.At first, we have to make the transcendental unity ofselfconsciousness the objective condition of cognition – thisis the transcendental object x.We suppose, that manifold ofintuition can be connected with this x.Only under this condition,can we suppose next, that when we unite manifold of representationsin our concepts and judgements, then this unity can have objectivevalidity.It means that unity of representations (concepts andjudgements) necessary and universal for us, is also necessary anduniversal in the object of these representations, the object ofcognition.Thus we can achieve the purpose of objective knowledge: theconstruction of the object of cognition according to necessary anduniversal laws of our cognition
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