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.BODY, TABLE, P {font-family: Tahoma;font-size: 10pt;color: #000000;}A:LINK, A:VISITED, A:ACTIVE {font-family : Tahoma;font-size : 12px;color : #0080C0;}A:HOVER {font-family : Tahoma;font-size : 12px;color : #000000;text-decoration : none;}New Page 0paFileDB 3 is free for personal and commercialuse, however, you must keep the copyright info on the bottom of the pagewhere it is.Although it is not required,phpMyAdmin will allow you to back up your MySQL database and restore itin case it gets damaged and becomes unusable.To view paFileDB 3 properly, your browserrequires CSS support.All popular browsers, such as Internet Explorer,Netscape, Mozilla and Opera support CSS.paFileDB 2.x hacks and modifications will notwork with paFileDB 3, but most of the feature hacks for paFileDB 2.x arealready standard features in paFileDB 3
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