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.It requires theBORDER value to be set andmay only be used in tables where the <THEAD>,<TBODY>, and <TFOOT>sections have been set.It affects the display of the internaltable borders (rules).It can accept the following values:noneRemoves all the internal rulesbasicDisplays horizontal borders between the <THEAD>, <TBODY>, and <TFOOT> sectionsrowsDisplays horizontal borders between all rowscolsDisplays horizontal borders between all columnsallDisplays all the internal rulesVALIGN="top|bottom"The Internet Explorer supports this attribute that specifies thevertical alignment of the text displayed in the table cells.Thedefault, which is used if the attribute is not set, is centeraligned.WIDTH=value_or_percentIf used, this attribute can specify the exact width of the tablein pixels or the width of the table as a percentage of the browserdisplay window.<CAPTION.>.</CAPTION>This represents the caption for a table.<CAPTION>elements should appear inside the <TABLE>but not inside table rows or cells.The caption accepts an alignmentattribute that defaults to ALIGN=topbut can be explicitly set to ALIGN=bottom.Like table cells, any document body HTML can appear in a caption.Captions by default are horizontally centered with respect tothe table, and they may have their lines broken to fit withinthe width of the table.The <CAPTION> elementcan accept the following attributes.ALIGN="top|bottom|left|center|right"The ALIGN attribute controlswhether the caption appears above or below the table, using thetop and bottomvalues, defaulting to top.The Internet Explorer allows the <CAPTION>element to be left, right, or center aligned.For the InternetExplorer to set the <CAPTION>at the top or bottom of the table, it is necessary to use theVALIGN attribute.VALIGN="top|bottom"The Internet Explorer allows use of the VALIGNattribute inside the <CAPTION>element.It specifies whether the caption text should be displayedat the top or bottom of the table.<COL>.</COL>This element, which is Internet Explorer specific, can be usedto specify the text alignment for table columns.It accepts thefollowing attributes.ALIGN="center|justify|left|right" Setsthe text alignment within the column group.The default valueis center.SPAN=value Setsthe number of columns upon which the ALIGNattribute is to act.<COLGROUP>.</COLGROUP>This element, which is Internet Explorer specific, can be usedto group columns to set their alignment properties.It acceptsthe following attributes:ALIGN="center|justify|left|right" Setsthe text alignment within the column group.The default valueis center.SPAN=value Setsthe number of columns upon which the ALIGNand VALIGN attributes areto act.VALIGN="baseline|bottom|middle|top" Setsthe vertical text alignment within the column group.<TBODY>.</TBODY>This element, which is Internet Explorer specific, is used tospecify the body section of the table.It is somewhat analogousto the <BODY> element.It directly affects the rendering of the table on-screen, butis required if you want RULESto be set in the <TABLE>.<TD.>.</TD>This stands for table data, and specifies a standard tabledata cell.Table data cells must only appear within table rows.Each row need not have the same number of cells specified because,short rows will be padded with blank cells on the right.A cellcan contain any of the HTML elements normally present in the bodyof an HTML document.Internet Explorer allows the use of <TD></TD>to specify a blank cell, that will be rendered with a border (ifa border has been set).Other browsers require some characterwithin a data cell for it to be rendered with a border.<TD.>.</TD>can accept the following attributes:ALIGN="left|center|right" Controlswhether text inside the table cell(s) is aligned to the left,right, or centered within the cell.BACKGROUND InternetExplorer supports the placing of images inside the <TD>element (also in the <TABLE>,<TD> and <TH>elements).If used in the <TD>element, the image in question is tiled behind the particulardata cell.Any of the supported graphics file formats can be usedas a graphic behind a table.BGCOLOR="#rrggbb|color name" InternetExplorer and Netscape support the use of this attribute (alsosupported in the <BODY>element).It allows the background color of the data cell to bespecified, using the specified color names, or an rrggbbhexadecimal triplet.BORDERCOLOR="#rrggbb|colorname" Internet Explorer includessupport for this attribute, which sets the border color of thedata cell.Any of the predefined color names can be used, as wellas any color defined by an rrggbbhexadecimal triplet.It is necessary for the BORDERattribute to be present in the main <TABLE>element for border coloring to work.BORDERCOLORDARK="#rrggbb|colorname" Internet Explorer allowsthe BORDERCOLORDARK attributeindependently, so that the darker color is displayed on a 3-D<TD> border.It isthe opposite of BORDERCOLORLIGHT.Any of the predefined color names can be used, as well as anycolor defined by an rrggbbhexadecimal triplet.It is necessary for the BORDERattribute to be present in the main <TABLE>element for border coloring to work.NoteThe BGCOLOR, BORDERCOLOR, BORDERCOLORDARK, and BORDERCOLORLIGHT attributes also can be used in <TABLE>, <TH>, and <TR> elements, with the color defined in the last elementover-riding those defined before.For example, if a <TD> element contains a BORDERCOLOR attribute setting, the setting specified is used instead of any color settings that may have been specified in the <TR> element,which in turn overrides any color settings in the <TABLE> element.BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#rrggbb|colorname" Internet Explorer allowsyou to use the BORDERCOLORLIGHTattribute to set, the lighter color to be displayed on a 3-D <TD>border.It is the opposite of BORDERCOLORDARK.Any of the predefined color names can be used, as well as anycolor defined by an rrggbbhexadecimal triplet
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