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.firstSound.setvol(newVolume) ; } else { if ( ( newVolume >= 0 ) && ( newVolume < 10 ) ) { document.firstSound.setvol(0) ; } }}// --></SCRIPT></HEAD><BODY><EMBED SRC="sound1.wav" HIDDEN=TRUE AUTOSTART=FALSE NAME="firstSound" MASTERSOUND><P><A HREF="javascript:playSound()">Play the sound now!</A></P><P><A HREF="javascript:pauseSound()">Pause the sound now!</A></P><P><A HREF="javascript:stopSound()">Stop the sound now!</A></P><P><A HREF="javascript:volup()">Increment the Volume!</A></P><P><A HREF="javascript:voldown()">Decrement the Volume!</A></P></BODY></HTML>The preceding example illustrates how you might create your own method of controlling a sound file.The possibilities are really endless; you can use images and onClick event handlers to simulate your own sound player
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